Hi, we're Catalyst.

We're a mental health company that helps changemakers overcome their stress and uncertainty using a combination of human-led coaching, AI cloning, and behavioral sciences.

Learn more about our team below!

Meet our

Innovative Team


Michael Thai

Founder Sr. Software Engineer at ASAPP
Management Consultant at Deloitte
Psychology Graduate, Brooklyn Tech

Elizabeth Dickinson

Program Advisor BA Education at Cambridge University
MA Psychology, Lesley University
Speaker, Author, and Coach

Anshul Mathur

Strategy Advisor MS in Public Health, Harvard University
Co-Founder, One Resilient Earth
Prev. MD, Consultant at McKinsey

Serena DeStefani

Science Advisor BA Psychology, Columbia University
PHD Cognitive Psychology, Rutgers
Psychology Researcher

Joy McClure

Science Advisor PHD Social Psychology, McGill University
Prev. Lecturer at Columbia University
Professor at U. of Winnipeg

Lili Yu

AI Advisor PHD Computer Science, MIT
Natural Language Processing Researcher at Meta and prev. ASAPP

Mike Pham

Product Advisor PHD/MA Linguistics, University of Chicago
Senior Product Manager, AI at Wikipedia

Leah Thompson

Catalyst BA Sociology
University of Mobile, Alabama

Graham Pilger

Catalyst BA Psychology
University of Massachusetts

Special Thanks

We'd like to give a special thanks to our peers and the research network at the NIH, Science of Behavior Change and Columbia University Medical Center for their contributions to Catalyst by providing their insights, research, and open source frameworks on behavior change.

Catalyst's DNA

Our 3 Values

We're driven by just three core values. These values are the foundation for our product design, recruiting, and mission.

Interested in helping others unlock their potential?

As Zig Ziglar once said, "you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." Join us in contributing to the lives of our members in a meaningful and human-centered way.

Join our community of changemakers and pioneers thriving with Catalyst